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Sinopec Zhongyuan Petroleum Engineering. Ltd (ZPEB)

  • engineering projectDrilling Service for KOC in Kuwait
  • Project Scale
  • Project TypeEPC
  • Owner:Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
  • Finish Time2015-12-31


Celebration of Excellent Performance by Rig Sinopec-294 of Kuwait SubsidiaryAlways taking safety and performance top priority, Rig Sinopec-294 showed ZPEB’s strengths in the industry and improved its image in the local market.


Drilling Service for KOC in Kuwait

Recently, a delegation from Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) and Sinopec International Petroleum Service Corporation (Kuwait Branch) paid a visit to Rig Sinopec-294 to celebrate its excellent performance – 508 days without LTI and the best rig in the first quarter of 2016.

Since its mobilization to Kuwait, Rig Sinopec-294 always focuses on safe operation and efficiency improvements. There's no NPT (Non-productive Time) for three consecutive months in the first quarter of 2016. Recently, it set a new record by completing the Well RA-283 within 22.5 days(target days:55 days), far ahead of schedule and becoming the shortest drilling cycle of the same well type in KOC’s northern blocks.

Always taking safety and performance top priority, Rig Sinopec-294 showed ZPEB’s strengths in the industry and improved its image in the local market.