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Your current location:Oil and Gas Material and Equipment > Petrochemical Equipment & Oilfield Chemicals > Cement Slurry Additives > Fluid Loss Additives > Oil Well Cement Filtrate Reducer

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Oil Well Cement Filtrate Reducer 【For Sale】
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  • Minimum order quantity: 1 Ton
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  • Manufacturer: Sen Rui Petroleum
  • Payment Terms: Negotiable
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Supplier Information

Shaanxi Senrui Petroleum Technology Co., Ltd.

Registered Address:China 陕西 西安 西安市未央区凤城五路MAX未来A座7楼

Response Time48h

Response Rate100%

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Product introduction:

By the cement particles and water molecular adsorption, the product can form reinforced hydration shell around the cement particles, promote the stability of the slurry and protective colloid effect, which benefits the formation of dense mud cake, thus achieve the purpose of high temperature resistance and salt tolerance, filtrate loss reduction. The product both has a good application under the condition of high temperature and high salt.

The main technical index:

①Appearance: White or light yellow solid powder, colorless or light yellow transparent liquid

②Filter loss: ≤50mL

③Thickening line shape: normal

④Initial consistency: ≤25BC

⑤The time from 40Bc to100Bc: ≤30min

⑥Compressive resistance within 24h: ≥14MPa

⑦Operating temperature range: 25℃160℃BHCT

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