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Your current location:Oil and Gas Material and Equipment > Wellhead & Well Control Equipment > Manifold Series > High Pressure Discharge Manifolds > Throttle pressure manifold

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Throttle pressure manifold 【For Sale】
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Perfect oil & Gas Engineering (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.

Registered Address:China 江苏 淮安 

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  • Product Descriptions

The throttle manifold is the necessary equipment for controlling the well surge and the blowout, and to implement the pressure control technology of oil and gas well..

Can be equipped with liquid control box, remote control

The General Assembly barrel type throttle valve requires that the throttle valve has the cut-off function and can be equipped with orifice plate throttle valve

The well pressure pipe sink is an essential part of the well controlled processing device, and its function is:

To pump into the wellbore to control oil and gas pressure.

When the blowout occurs, Mukai Guchi injected with water to prevent the burning of fire

When the fire broke out, Mukai Uchi injected the fire extinguishing agent to help the fire extinguishing

Main technical parameters

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