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Your current location:Oil and Gas Material and Equipment > Oil Field Surface Facilities > Crude Oil Processing System Equipment > Heating Furnace > Natural gas heating furnace

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Natural gas heating furnace 【For Sale】
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  • Manufacturer: CPPM
  • Payment Terms: Negotiable
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  • Product introduction:
    Rated heat load: 100kw-5000kw heater; 100kw-7000kw vacuum heater Thermal efficiency: 85% - 93% The design pressure of the coil: 1.6Mpa to 6.4MPa, the maximum pressure can reach 10MPa Heating medium: natural gas, water, oil and water and so on. Pressure drop in the furnace: 0.1MPa

    Rated heat load: 100kw-5000kw heater; 100kw-7000kw vacuum heater Thermal efficiency: 85% - 93% The design pressure of the coil: 1.6Mpa to 6.4MPa, the maximum pressure can reach 10MPa Heating medium: natural gas, water, oil and water and so on. Pressure drop in the furnace: 0.1MPa


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Registered Address:China 河北 廊坊 廊坊市广阳区和平路17号

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  • Product Descriptions

Rated heat load: 100kw-5000kw heater; 100kw-7000kw vacuum heater

Thermal efficiency: 85% - 93%

The design pressure of the coil: 1.6Mpa to 6.4MPa, the maximum pressure can reach 10MPa

Heating medium: natural gas, water, oil and water and so on.

Pressure drop in the furnace: 0.1MPa

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