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Your current location:Oil and Gas Material and Equipment > Oil Field Surface Facilities > Gathering & Transportation Equipment > Gas Separation and Purification > Cyclone and Filter Combined Apparatus

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Cyclone and Filter Combined Apparatus 【For Sale】
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  • Manufacturer: CPPM
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Registered Address:China 河北 廊坊 廊坊市广阳区和平路17号

Response Time48h

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  • Product Descriptions

XFG type combined filter separator is the optimized integration of cyclone separator,filter separator and coalescer to be used in long distance gas pipeline station, gas gathering station, coal-bed gas field and shale gas field before compressor.

Advantaged Technology

In 2009, CPPM successfully developed the XGF800-11/1500 combined filter separator skid unit which is a kind of optimized multifunction integration technology having high separation efficiency, compact structure, and low operation energy to adapt to a variety of conditions by choosing separation and filter components with different specifications and precision. XFG type combined filter separator has vertical structure and horizontal structure with removable connection way of its internal components and barrel. When gas is clean, the cyclone components will be removed and the coalescing filter components will be replaced by filter components to reduce the energy consumption of unit operation and consumables cost effectively. The equipment is equipped with safety self-locked quick opening closure CPPM has, and has special hoisting mechanism of internal components for positioning accurately. CPPM can supply equipment skid with compact structure and convenient installation.

Main Performance Index

Separation components and filter components: performance has been tested by professional inspection institution.

Separation precision:

Filtering and separating efficiency of no less than 0.3μm solid particle:≥99.98%

Filtering and separating efficiency of no less than 0.3μm liquid drop: ≥99.50%

Overall beginning pressure drop: ≤0.045MPa

Product Certification

CPPM has class A1, A2 pressure vessel design license, manufacture license, ASME U stamp product certification, and all the technical means and hardware conditions for designing and producing the products.

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