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Your current location:Oil and Gas Material and Equipment > Drilling Equipment > Drilling Tool > Drilling Jar > Surface bumper jar

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Surface bumper jar 【For Sale】
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  • Manufacturer: BFSJ
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  • Stock quantity: 10 Piece
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    OD:178mm; Connection thread:NC50

    OD:178mm; Connection thread:NC50


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Heilongjiang North Shuangjia Drilling Tools Co., Ltd.

Registered Address:China 黑龙江 牡丹江 黑龙江省牡丹江市阳明区兴业路56号

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DXZ Surface bumper jar is a tool releasing stuck for down hole tools on the wellhead, It applys to release stuck which needs downward jarring like keyslot, shrink neck, fall off block, sticking to suck etc. it also can relieve down hole fishing tools. When surface bumper jar is working on wellhead. No matter what parts of drill stems stuck, slips down hole tools stuck, fishing tools stuck or testing workover tools, well washing tools stuck, it all can use surface bumper jar to release stuck.

DXZ Surface bumper jar is a new type full mechanical surface bumper jar, it overcomes previous defect of friction type's slips are easy to burn. adjusting is not exact, it can adjust jarring release force at any time, and easy exact stable to adjust.

  We produce H2S resistance Jars, which adopt high quality import sulfur-resistance material.









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